Apple (Store) Of Our Eye

More Apple news for our family.  Last night, Stretch’s iPhone 5 did something very odd:

2014-07-01 18.09.20

Disaster Strikes!

I’d never seen anything like this. Neither had he. Nothing we tried reset the display for his phone (yes, A T and T help line, we DID try holding the “Home” button and the “Power” button for 10 seconds, yes we plugged it in, yes we are not morons, no, those things didn’t work). The display was simply fried.

We had to go to the place I don’t like to go: The Apple Store.

I am put off by what I perceive as the canned vibe of the place. I am put off by the energy of the joint. I am put off by the idea of a “Genius Bar” as I’ve encountered a few of these so-called Geniuses who are anything but.

I am just put off by the whole thing.

But, I can report, in the span of one short week, that Apple came through for us, again. We brought the phone in, explained the issue and geared up for the debate. We were ready to explain the phone was less than a year old and were ready to argue our case for a new one.

As it turns out, none of that was necessary. The “Genius” saw the problem, checked to be sure the phone wasn’t dropped in water, pulled the SIM card and said “Give me a minute and we’ll get you a new phone, free of charge.”

Music to our ears.

Though being without his phone caused  Stretch a couple harrowing  hours – he referred to being without his phone as being incarcerated – the ordeal was survived.

Thanks, Apple Store. Thanks two times.


Filed under Anecdote, Family

2 responses to “Apple (Store) Of Our Eye

  1. Pingback: “C” Is For iPhone… Right? | And There Came a Day...

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