Tag Archives: San Diego Padres

They Say the Neon Lights Are Bright … And They’re Right – NYC Travelblog Four

Our second day in New York ended as well as it began.

Following a refreshing hour or so in the air conditioning of our hotel rooms (oh, and our phones warned us of a Heat Index Warning in New York Sunday and Monday with temperatures expected to rise above 100 degrees both days… an inconvenient heat wave as-it-were), we headed back down to the lobby.

I haven’t noted yet that our hotel is utterly decked out in Major League All Star Game flagging and bunting and posters and banners and signage. The game takes place Tuesday at Citi Field. On our way back in from our Central Park/Met journey, we walked in behind a young man carrying a San Diego Padres equipment bag. Well dressed and well proportioned, the kid caught our eye. Stretch theorized that he was here to play in the Futures Game. On our way down to the lobby to leave for our walk to Broadway (a short mile from the hotel), We rode in the elevator with man who had an MLB lanyard and identification tag he was wearing a Phillies polo. The Cinnamon Girl asked him what was the story on all the All Star Game paraphenalia. He told us that our hotel is hosting the All Star Game and that some players are actually staying here. As we left the hotel for our evening, we noted fans lined up behind stantions who were waiting for other Futures players to arrive for their autographs.

So we’ve got that going for us on this trip.

Times Sqaure was utterly mobbed. Utterly. It was, as The Cinnamon Girl noted, the kind of crowd we thought we would encounter in New York. Knowing we wanted a big meal in a cool location we chose the Hard Rock Cafe. Told we would have to wait over half an hour, we were pleasantly surprised when we were seated in about 10 minutes.

The food was good, the meal was fun and we had a great time.

After the meal we decided to walk Times Square a bit but only braved the crushing crowd as far a Toys-R-Us. I make us go to check for action figures that we don’t have back in Denver (and I found some, too!). The humanity was simply too much and we left the toy store to head over to the Foxwoods Theater.

Playing there was Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. I will post a full review for anyone interested when we get back from our trip but I can say this much right now: there are shows I love more. There are shows with a superior book and score. There are shows that are better. But this was the most fun I have ever had at the theater. I smiled more during this show than any I can remember (more than I smiled, even, when The Cinnamon Girl confessed before the curtain that she didn’t know the play was a musical!)

All five of us loved the show, loved the evening and chatted each other up for almost an hour back in our hotel room.

There are many things bright for us in New York tonight, the brightest, perhaps for me, is the feeling of family I am getting from this trip.

More to come…

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